Ticket to the 45th Annual Clambake sponsored by the Polish American Independent Club.
Sunday, September 2, 2001
Outdoor Picnic starts at 3 PM
Music and Dancing 5-9 PM
Featuring: Mike Niemiec's Variety Band
$14.00 per child
Ticket for annual dinner and dance- chicken BBQ.
Saturday, October 6, 2001
Includes Dinner- 7:00 PM
Music and dancing- 8:30 PM - 12:30 AM
Featuring- GT Extress Orchestra
$16.00 per person, free tap beer only
Business card listing information for the Polish American Independent Club of Port Jefferson Station. Includes address, phone number, and website on front. Map and directions to hall on back.
Ticket for 45th Annual Clambake, sponsored by the Polish American Independence Club
Sunday, September 2, 2001
Outdoor picnic starts at 3 PM
Music and dancing 5-9 PM
Featuring "Mike Niemiec's Variety Band"
Chicken-Corn-Soda, Donation $14 per…
Ticket for Spring Fling Dinner & Dance sponsored by the Polish American Independent Club Saturday March 10, 2001, 7 PM - 12:30 AM Corned beef & cabbage dinner, music and dancing, featuring "The G-Men"
Donation: $16 per person, free tap beer only
Ticket to the Polish Food Feast Family Banquet, sponsored by the Polish American Independent Club
Sunday, February 11, 2001, 2-6 PM
Includes assorted variety of Polish Foods- Pierogi, bigos, salaty, kielbasa, kapusta, nalezniki, chrusciki, golabki,…
Ticket to "The Annual Spring Favorite Steak Dinner & Dance" sponsored by the Polish American Independent Club
Saturday, May 6 2000, 7 PM-12:30 AM, Featuring "Ed Dziuba & the Plus Five"
Donation: $20 per person, cash bar